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Genome-wide association with MRI atrophy measures as a quantitative trait locus for Alzheimer's disease

Published on 2 October 2023
Genome-wide association with MRI atrophy measures as a quantitative trait locus for Alzheimer's disease
Date de publication 
Furney SJ, Simmons A, Breen G, Pedroso I, Lunnon K, Proitsi P, Hodges A, Powell J, Wahlund LO, Kloszewska I, Mecocci P, Soininen H, Tsolaki M, Vellas B, Spenger C, Lathrop M, Shen L, Kim S, Saykin AJ, Weiner MW, Lovestone S, Alzheimer's Dis N and AddNeuroMed C
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Institut IG
url DOI10.1038/mp.2010.123

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